
ARM Hub is an agile robotics, AI and design for manufacture industry hub. We are at the forefront of industrial transformation, building strong local supply chains and preparing companies for success in global markets.

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ARM Hub: Where robotics and AI accelerate advanced manufacturing

ARM Hub is an agile robotics, AI and design for manufacture industry hub. We are at the forefront of industrial transformation, building strong local supply chains and preparing companies for success in global markets.

Headquartered in Advanced Manufacturing Precinct in Northgate, Brisbane, the ARM Hub provides access to the most tightly woven network of research institutions, facilities and commercial companies across Australia.

ARM Hub was established as a not-for-profit innovation hub on 20 March 2020 by founding partners Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and UAP (previously Urban Art Projects), and attracted investment from the Queensland Government, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Innovative Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre (IMCRC). We also have partnership support from Germany’s Fraunhofer IAO and the World Economic Forum.

Wisk Aero

ARM Hub teamed up with Wisk Aero for the launch of their all-electric air taxi, in partnership with the Council of Mayors South East Queensland . Wisk are housing their 5th generation electric air taxi at ARM Hub.

Towel flattening automation

A Gladstone family and their regionally-based company Consolidated Linen Service are taking on the challenge of developing a world-first robotic innovation for commercial laundries.

Automated banana de-handing

ARM Hub, through Hort Innovation and with support from the Australian Banana Growers’ Council, has been researching the feasibility of an automated banana de-handing solution.