
Professor Markus Rittenbruch

Professor Markus Rittenbruch is highly experienced researcher and academic in the field of Interaction Design with over 25 years of professional work experience in the fields of Interaction Design, User Experience Design, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp). He holds an ongoing appointment as Professor in Interaction Design and a leadership role as Academic Lead Research at the School of Design. He is currently a Chief Investigator on an ARC Discovery on Geoprivacy & Location Awareness, a Chief Investigator and co-lead for the Program on Human-Robot Interaction at the Australian Cobotics Centre (ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Collaborative Robotics), the co-lead for the Emerging Technologies program at the QUT Design Lab and a Design expert at the ARM Hub (Advanced Robotics Manufacturing Hub).

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